There are now numerous payment possibilities to become a member of a steamy, hard core, porn website. You can use credit card, PayPal, Neteller and so much more. The safest way that you can pay for your porn membership and feel totally safe and sound, and not worrying that some hacker will take all your money from your account, is by using a crypto currency called Bitcoin.
Everybody knows that buying one Bitcoin will cost you more than five thousand dollars but, there is a solution so you do not have to spend so much money on having a whole digital coin.
Every crypto exchange website has an option where you can buy a small fraction of your crypto currency and Bitcoin is a part of that list. You can then transfer that portion to your favourite porn website and start enjoying those hot full HD porn videos. This brings us to our topic and that’s: Why you should consider Bitcoin porn sites?
By purchasing something with your credit card on the internet will leave some kind of trace and payment history on the bank statement. Buying regular everyday things can be easily explained to your loved ones, but how are you going to explain to your partner why did you pay for those naughty naked model pictures or videos?
In this case, if you get caught, you have a lot of explaining to do. You will also have to consider that hackers are also making suspicious websites that are hard to trace now and hard to identify to an untried eye.
On the other hand, if you are paying by Bitcoin on any other porn site you will become a 100% invisible customer with 0% chance for anyone else to see what are you doing with your crypto.
Total discretion is guaranteed and in today’s world that is something that everybody is considering of having for whatever the cost. A lot of customers are not so keen to be affiliated to any porn site and this is where your Bitcoin can show his biggest advantage.
By using this digital currency your payment becomes like a stealth ninja. No company, bank and even government, can see and find your spending on any of these adult websites. Bitcoins can offer you 100% anonymous payments because this digital payment is not tied to real-world entities and bitcoin addresses are not explicitly identified, but all transactions on the blockchain network are public.
When the porn industry starts using something new, in this case adding Bitcoin to a payment option, you know it’s useful for anyone. Porn entertainment systems have tested and implemented Bitcoin as a valuable partner so they can bring your safety and satisfaction to a total perfection.